Please note. This is not the official recipe, just a replication of the original.

They call this Belgian strong dark Abbey ale “Grand Reserve”. This could be our best recipe ever. I’ve tasted samples beside the real thing and it’s almost impossible to tell them apart.


  • A yeast starter made from a bottle of Chimay (Made a day or two before you want to start this beer. See Yeast Starter recipe)
  • If you can’t get a Chimay yeast starter going, use SAFwheat/ale yeast
  • Light dry malt extract 2.3kg
  • Black malt grain (crushed) 30g
  • Soft dark brown sugar 400g
  • Blended honey 250g
  • Bittering hops Hallertau pellets 40g
  • Bittering hops Goldings pellets 20g

Brewing Method

Use the standard beer brewing method

  • Mix all ingredients except yeast into about 3-4L of water and bring to the boil
  • Boil for 30-40 min
  • Strain and discard solids
  • Adjust volume to 15lt with cold water
  • Wait until temp has dropped to 25°C
  • Add yeast starter and make beer in the usual way

OG 1081, FG 1018, ABV 9.3% *

* OG (Original Gravities) and FG (Final Gravities) are readings for the hydrometer. The FG of a recipe should not be the brewers final goal, only a guide. ABV (Alcohol by volume) measures the percentage of alcohol contained in each batch